
The staff at Mercyhealth South, 849 Kellogg Ave., Janesville, will be holding a community giveaway day on Wednesday, August 24, 9 am-3 pm. An assortment of gently used adult and children’s clothing, school supplies, toys and household items will be available to any community members in need. Interested individuals should go to the back side of the building to view and pick up items.

All items have been donated by Mercyhealth South staff. They are not seeking more donations. Leftover items will be taken to Mercyhealth’s Re•Tag•It Thrift Shop and other donation centers in Janesville.

The giveaway day was the idea of Mercyhealth South Clinic Director Laurie Finke. “One day I realized all the clothes and kids items I had that we didn’t need anymore,” Finke said. “I mentioned the idea of giving them away to people in the community to our staff and they were more than happy to participate and dig through their closets as well. What I like most about this event is that we’re giving away our belongings free of charge to people who need them.”

In the event of rain, the giveaway day will be held Thursday, August 25.
